Ferrara School of Mathematics

The "Ferrara School of Mathematics" Diploma annually awards a special qualification of academic excellence for graduates in the MSc of Mathematics who are interested in international activities. Based on credits earned from courses held in foreign languages, Erasmus programme participation, and internships abroad, those selected for the FSoM Diploma will write their thesis in a foreign language, supervised by a foreign referee, and may take advanced level elective courses in English.

Graduates of FSoM may have more success in the search for an academic position (PhD) or in foreign institutions.


To achieve the Diploma is necessary:

  • a B2 level of knowledge in a foreign European language;
  • an average grade not less than 28/30;
  • at least 30 credits earned from courses held in foreign languages (or participation in a double degree, Erasmus, traineeship abroad);
  • a final dissertation (or at least a substantial abstract) written in a foreign language and evaluated by an international professor;
  • a degree within the first year off the course.

All rules can be found here: Regulation of FSoM

For more information please contact the Teaching Manager elisa.marchetti@unife.it